Many good habits are advocated in Hinduism. Each idea has a solid scientific principle behind it. So, do not discard or shy away without practicing them. These are branded as 'Orthodoxy', 'Traditional practice',' Illogical', and 'Unscientific' by those who are leading a lethargic, casual, and unethical life.
The most common and widely practiced tarditions are listed here.
Oil bath: Taking an oil bath on all days excepting fasting days is advised. Apply and smear Gingelly (sesame) oil all over the body and take bath after 15-20 minutes. This adds luster to skin and fills the pores in the skin to nourish and lubricate the hairs. Fasting days are exempted as the body is likely to need more energy after the oil bath for which you will be tempted to eat and end the fasting. This habit is popularly called as "Oil Massage" in the western world.
Prayer to Sun: Soorya Namaskaram is the name for this habit. Every morning after the bath, people will stand facing the Sun and make prayer to it. (Sun is a God). This practice enables to get the vitamin D (which in turn helps calcium formation for stronger bones and ) from Sun. Moreover, the morning Sun rays are said to rejuvenate your eye sight. In total, this practice recharges your system and provides a long and healthy life. This is followed in other countries as Aerobic exercise and Sunbath .
Avoid seeing a Solar eclipse directly: Looking at the Sun directly should be avoided generally as solar radiation will affect the retina. That's why the eyelids close involuntarily. During the Solar eclipse, the lids will be wide open as the moon hides the sun. But even a bit of sunlight will affect and spoil the retina when the radiation hits the eyes abruptly.
Holy powder in the forehead: Everyday Hindus use to smear Viboothi (Ash made from Cow dung (it's called ), Kumkum or Sandal or White clay paste in the center of their forehead. This practice helps to identify the point of our meditation and also this absorbs the energy from the cosmos into our body system. Moreover this distinguishes the clean and unclean persons (male member) as using such sacred items are done only after a bath. Also identifies a married woman from the virgin or widow. Ancient Hindus believed that the third eye is centered in the forehead directly between the eyebrows, and is believed to be the channel through which humankind opens spiritually to the Divine. So, this spot of the body is viewed by Hindus as the most holy. All this confirms that human being is actually God only: God Shiva has three eyes.
Moreover, this practice enables transpiring the excess water that would have accumulated inside the cavities of the head. Especially the sinus cavity is kept clean which means you don't get any infection or illness. Further, philosophically, the smearing of ash symbolically reminds a person that all human beings are bound to become that ash or soil eventually.
All the above practices enable the households to stay hale and healthy. The insecticidal and medicinal value has been understood by Hindus from the Vedic period.
Worship at Temple is done every day by many people. This is meant for 1) physical exercise when a person walks around the shrines 2) mental focus on the god form kept in the sculpture and the resultant benefits of concentration and peace of mind 3) exchange of knowledge and information among the deities 4) refreshing the mind through listening to the holy mantras of god and spiritual discourse made by scholars and pundits.
Thoppukaranam Doing the sit-ups with each hand holding the tips of opposite ears (thoppukaranam) in front of shrines of God Ganesh is meant to get rid of the worst evils. Actually, this also helps to recharge the body.
Angapradekshnam Devotees used to roll around the shrines as per their mental commitment to the god there.This is known as Angapradekshnam. This ritual also makes the entire body exercise.
Temple towers are taller than other structures in the town .This is deliberately done so that those like disabled ,old and ailing persons,who cannot worship at the temple can do so from their houses by raising both the hands over the head.
Ghost place Proverb says “Never reside in a place that has no temple."Because, God’s presence can alone protect us. That’s why to begin anything , be it a new house, business, etc., people use to start with the worship of God. Even before establishing a new town, a shrine of God will be erected to seek the grace of god.
Thulsi Water is the prasadam offered in many temples. It’s a special in the shrines of God Krishna or Rama. This is actually the water made by keeping the thulsi leaves soaked in good water. This water actually cleanses and protects the stomach from germs and also induces the digestion. Still better is the water collected after the bathing of God’s statues with such tulsi water. The clustered water discovered by modern science is said to resemble the above water .
Moreover, this practice enables transpiring the excess water that would have accumulated inside the cavities of the head. Especially the sinus cavity is kept clean which means you don't get any infection or illness. Further, philosophically, the smearing of ash symbolically reminds a person that all human beings are bound to become that ash or soil eventually.
Neem twigs are used to be kept inserted in the roof at the entrance of a house. Leaves of Neem also used to be immersed in the water intended for bathing. Same leaves are used to produce smoke to ward off the insects and germs. Even the paste made from these leaves is applied to healing wounds and relieving the pains from blisters and headaches.
All the above practices enable the households to stay hale and healthy. The insecticidal and medicinal value has been understood by Hindus from the Vedic period.
Worship at Temple is done every day by many people. This is meant for 1) physical exercise when a person walks around the shrines 2) mental focus on the god form kept in the sculpture and the resultant benefits of concentration and peace of mind 3) exchange of knowledge and information among the deities 4) refreshing the mind through listening to the holy mantras of god and spiritual discourse made by scholars and pundits.
Thoppukaranam Doing the sit-ups with each hand holding the tips of opposite ears (thoppukaranam) in front of shrines of God Ganesh is meant to get rid of the worst evils. Actually, this also helps to recharge the body.
Angapradekshnam Devotees used to roll around the shrines as per their mental commitment to the god there.This is known as Angapradekshnam. This ritual also makes the entire body exercise.
Temple towers are taller than other structures in the town .This is deliberately done so that those like disabled ,old and ailing persons,who cannot worship at the temple can do so from their houses by raising both the hands over the head.
Ghost place Proverb says “Never reside in a place that has no temple."Because, God’s presence can alone protect us. That’s why to begin anything , be it a new house, business, etc., people use to start with the worship of God. Even before establishing a new town, a shrine of God will be erected to seek the grace of god.
Thulsi Water is the prasadam offered in many temples. It’s a special in the shrines of God Krishna or Rama. This is actually the water made by keeping the thulsi leaves soaked in good water. This water actually cleanses and protects the stomach from germs and also induces the digestion. Still better is the water collected after the bathing of God’s statues with such tulsi water. The clustered water discovered by modern science is said to resemble the above water .
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