All creatures and matter are given equal importance in Hinduism. This holistic nature of the religion can be explained with some examples.
1) Animals are used as vehicles of Gods and they are depicted in the scriptures and temples of the Hindus. Bull as God Shiva's vehicle, Lion for Shakthi, Mouse for Ganesha, Buffalo for Yama (Head of Death Dept), Serpent for Vishnu, Elephant for Indra, Tiger for Ayyappa, etc..
2) Birds serve to transport the Gods. Peacock for Murugan, Eagle for Vishnu, etc.
3) The leaves, flowers and fruits of many trees form the important items of the daily worship in the temples of Hindus. Coconut tree for Nuts and fronds, Banana for fruit, Mango for leaf and fruit, Neem for flower, Bilva or Vilvam for leaves, Kondrai (cassia fistula) for flowers are some to lsit.
4)Plants: Most commonly grown inside the temples are Hibiscus, Jasmine, Chrysanthemum, Marigold, etc.
The animals, birds and other living creatures and trees & plants are elaborately described with their uses in the temples in the form of stone sculpture and wooden carvings. That is why you can even today find these forming an integral part of the Hindu temples.
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