
Listed here under are a few illustrations that are common among the Hindus.

Bare-footed habit: Ancient Hindus used their bare feet without wearing any chappal or shoe. They believed that bare feet induced the pressure control and blood circulation in the body. When we walk with bare feet, the under-surface (sole) of the foot gets impact from the rough and hard conditions of the floor. This in turn triggers pressure on all the body parts connected to the sole through the nerves and blood vessels. The entire body is thus activated and  starts functioning instead of being idle and becoming useless later. This is the secret of acupuncture therapy of China.

Mangalsutra or Sacred Thread  During the marriage, a man ties a thread (smeared with turmeric paste ) to the bride around her neck. This symbolizes that a woman has become a wife and she should be respected as the mother or sister of any other man : and not otherwise. Moreover, this reminds a husband and wife about their wedlock and warns of any other immoral relationship with a stranger.

Use of Gingelly oil  is traditionally followed in South India. Two reasons are cited for this practice. 1) Availability of the gingelly and 2) Health reasons.  This oil is used for both cooking and bathing. Later, research proved that this oil is good for health as it works against the accumulation of lipids and prevents cholesterol formation.

Consuming castor oil as a Purger of the digestive system is another traditional and good habit of South Indians. This oil is consumed in a measure of one or teaspoon as a cleansing agent to remove the bad remains of the digestive tract. Usually, the person will have loose motion three or four times after drinking the oil and during that period , no food will be eaten and in fact, will be made to fast. 

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