
Hinduism has a well defined system of administration and the same is practiced in the human life also.

No other religion has a multilevel arrangement or heirarchy for managing the affairs of life.

Hindu religion has the Supreme God at the top followed by the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to take care of Creation, Maintenance and Disposal of the life in various forms and the matter  in the entire  universe. These three gods have their spouses Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi as in charge of three departments namely Knowledge, Wealth and Energy of the universe. There are several gods of lesser order below the above trinity, and angels still below in that order.

The entire administration runs smoothly and the mistakes, if any, are rectified. Those responsible are punished also according to the nature and gravity of the mistakes made. These punished ones land on our earth or other place of the universe to serve their penalties.

Even God Brahma was once put behind the bar by Murugan (son of God Shiva) for his ignorance about the meaning of AUM (this is explained in the home page),

Such incidents of serving the terms of penalties abound in the Hinduism ( you have to read the books dealing on Hinduism to learn more).

In fact, the concept of Division of Labor (used nowadays in all business and industries) is found and applied in the Hindu religion. This system has been followed in the life of Hindus also. 

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